Me ha llegado este mensaje por correo como respuesta tardía a un mensaje enviado a la web de Preston y Child sobre el agente especial Pendergast. Ignoro si revela partes secretas del expediente, en cualquier caso 'Si non e vero e ben trovato'
Greetings, Pendergast fans!
My name is Corrie Swanson. Those of you who read Still Life With Crows will already know about me. Those of you who didn’t, well, that’s your loss (or gain).
I maintain a web site about Special Agent Pendergast. He hates it--too bad for him.
The guy fascinates me in a weird kind of way. The fact that he is so ridiculously secretive about his private life just makes me all the more eager to dig up juicy tidbits on him.
(And the investigative work is good practice for my studies at John Jay.) I spoke
to Doug and Linc, and they agreed to let me use the current edition of The Pendergast
File to bring some of those tidbits to your attention.
So anyway, here goes: ten things you probably don’t know about Aloysius Xingu L. Pendergast.
1. In his Dakota apartment he has thirty-nine suits, every one dead black and
hand-tailored by Hardy Amies of Savile Row. He once told me they were all made
at the same time from two enormous, vintage bolts of rare Italian cashmere, one
heavier for winter, the other a lighter summer fabric. They’re all the same European cut, same style, same everything. When I snuck into his closet I also saw a couple of
black dinner jackets, three ugly Hawaiian shirts, a Tibetan monk's robe, a morning coat, and, way in the back, an old, motheaten boy's suit with what looked like spots of
blood on the lapels.
3. His favorite dish is fish intestine soup. At least, that’s what his housekeeper said.
Or rather wrote, because she is unable to speak. I wasn’t sure if she was kidding
or not. [...]
Seguir leyendo los secretos del agente P.
Está claro : el frikismo es como el universo , no sólo es más extraño de lo que pensamos sino más extraño de lo que podemos imaginar.
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